
Break Time Massage
Kopf-, Nacken - und Schultermassage gegen Verspannungen und Stress.
Acupressure head massage
Simultaneously stimulating and relaxing massage. Ideal for releasing accumulated tension in the head area and highly effective in the treatment of headaches.
Acupressure foot massage
A naturally healing massage that stimulates the reflex points on the foot and thus stimulates the entire circulation. Restores the natural balance. Particularly suitable for headaches, exhaustion and insomnia caused by stress.
Shiatsu massage
Stimulates energy points by applying pressure, circular compression and stretching. This massage maintains the condition and energy tone and strengthens the organs. Blockages in the meridians are removed.
4-hand acupressure relaxation massage
Unique combination of classic 4-hand massage and acupressure. Releases old energy and makes room for new energy. This massage brings deep relaxation and stimulates the circulation and lymphatic system. It reduces stress and all the symptoms associated with it. Aromatic oils support the flow of energy and the restoration of balance.
4-hands anti-cellulite massage
Powerful, highly detoxifying treatment. Accelerates the breakdown and mobilization of fat cells in critical areas. Drains and stimulates microcirculation. The skin becomes firm, smooth and radiant.
Break Time
Head, neck and shoulder massage to relieve tension and stress.
Partial massage
Intensive massage of a painful body part, also recommended for acute problems and exhaustion. Feel immediate relief and relaxation.
Face & décolleté massage
A particularly soothing and pampering massage that stimulates lymphatic drainage, opens the pores and helps the skin to breathe, while the gentle stimulation of acupressure points relieves tension in the head, neck and shoulders.
Thai massage
This massage is a unique, highly effective therapy that combines acupressure, stretching and passive yoga exercises to restore energy balance. Targeted movements by the masseur remove energy blockages and harmonize body and mind. An extraordinary, holistic, revitalizing and healing application.
4-Hände Anti Cellulite Massage
Kräftige, stark entgiftende Behandlung. Beschleunigt den Abbau und die Mobilisierung der Fettzellen in den kritischen Bereichen. Entwässert und stimuliert die Mikrozirkulation. Die Haut wird kräftig, glatt und strahlend.
Klassische schwedische Massage
Durch 5 Hauptbewegungen zum Herzen werden Blut- und Lymphsystem stimuliert. Ideal zur Kreislaufanregung, Entgiftung und Tiefenentspannung.
4-hand partial massage
Excellent choice for intensive treatment of a painful or exhausted part of the body. Coordinated movements by two masseurs guarantee a better and more intensive anti-stress result.
4-hands relaxation massage
Synchronized massage for stimulation and detoxification. Promotes stress reduction and leads you to a feeling of deep relaxation and pleasant freshness.
6-hands royal massage
Effective application, with special attention paid to the pressure points. This massage is for special occasions or just for pure pleasure. Particularly suitable for headaches, exhaustion and insomnia caused by stress.
Classic Swedish massage
The 5 main movements to the heart stimulate the blood and lymphatic system. Ideal for stimulating circulation, detoxification and deep relaxation.
Sports massage
Recover quickly from sport and play and enjoy this massage, which helps you to eliminate all the toxins and lactic acids in your body. This intensive sports massage restores the body’s natural balance.
Slim and fit
Combination of body wrap with Nutritive Serum and a half-hour 4-hand anti-cellulite massage using AROMA NUTRITIVE massage oil. This treatment guarantees the loss of circumference in the critical zones and achieves stronger, well-formed muscles. Lymphatic drainage and acupressure also help to detoxify and shape the body.
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